How time flies! I can't believe how long it's been since I've written a blog! I guess a large part of
the reason is that I've spent about 4 of the past 9 months working in New Orleans, so I haven't been traveling to exciting locations. Hopefully that will change early in 2010. In the mean time, I've been spending time with the most incredible 10 month old baby alive! My niece, Madeliene, has been my camera's focus during recent months, and it's for that reason that I've decided to post some pictures of her here today. This first picture is her first shopping trip with Aunt Lynette (last week). Looks like she enjoyed it!
Another thing about time. Have you noticed how Facebook eats up your time? If not, then you probably haven't been drawn in by Facebook. I think I was as taken with Facebook as I was with the Internet when it was new. And that is probably another reason why I have not been blogging. However, I've decided that it was absorbing time that could be spent on more productive things and things that I enjoy. I have recently read two of John Eldredge's books: Desire and Epic. Both were quite insightful. I'm so glad that I have chosen to spend less time on Facebook and more time reading and building relationships with those who are important to me!
Now, without further ado, more Madeliene pics...
I just love the picture on the left, which I took last Saturday. Aunt Ruby is getting some Maddy-love for the first time! The one on the right is one of my all-time favorites too. It was taken on Father's Day - Maddy with her dad. Look at him adoring her... and she's loving every minute of it!
A final word about time. As I grow older - approaching another birthday here - I understand more and more what those before me meant when they said that time passes faster the older you are. I wonder where the days, weeks, months go sometimes. It's been 1 1/2 yrs now since I've started to work as a Military & Family Life Consultant, traveling to different locations for short-term assignments, and the time just seems to have flown by in many respects. Ah well, I'll save the "getting older" blog for closer to my birthday!